
I wrote a poem, the first poem I’ve written since High School.

I was inspired by a wonderful poet/spoken word artist named Hollie McNish, you should definitely look at her work if you’ve not heard of her. Her opinions, thoughts and the way she words them are magical. Type in her name on youtube.

The poem is called ‘Silence’ and I don’t know if I’ve finished it or not yet, but I wanted some opinions so I thought I’d turn to the internet with it. ‘Silence’ talks about three of the five senses and how we use them when we love someone, it’s mainly about love and how we can love silently. I haven’t generalised or named gender roles within the poem, because I hope that more people can relate to it that way. Read it slowly to understand it better. Please leave me your thoughts, and go easy, I’m not a poet x


You picture their face in your mind,
You can see them like they’re standing in front of your eyes.
You see the curve of their lips and the shape of their jaw,
You see their eyelashes, you can picture the exact colour they are.
You know their freckles, their birthmarks and you know their scars,
Creases at the corners of their eyes, old blemish marks.
Laughter lines that show when they smile or they blink,
The way that they furrow their brow when they think.

Their touch on you and your touch on them,
you know their skin like the back of your hands.
You know their hands like they were your own,
hands that hold you, guide you and stop you feeling alone.
You grip their hand firmly when you’re worried or afraid,
and they grip back in exactly the same way,
because hands learn how to talk.
Imagine lying next to this person and not feeling your heart race,
if it’s impossible to keep your heart and hands away from them,
then I rest my case.

When you hear their words linger in your head,
hours, days, months or years after they were said.
That’s beautiful isn’t it?
One person can say one thing when you’re together and it could stay with your forever.
Some words can be harsh and some words can be kind,
they can make you laugh and they can make you cry
but the best words make you laugh and cry at the same time.
Sometimes, the most beautiful moments need no words,
silence is enough.

What I’m really trying to say is that you can’t silence love.